The ERU Test Site and Britwind turbine
Our historic areas of expertise include:
wind energy – in particular, the integration of renewable electricity into electricity grids, wind resource estimation, condition monitoring, and the non-destructive testing of blades.
energy storage – including flywheels, batteries, and hydrogen.
We are also a founding member of the
UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) and have created the UKERC Energy Data Centre, which is a nationally important resource containing information and data relevant to UK energy research and development.
Energy research is incredibly multi-disciplinary; consequently, ERU staff have a wide range of abilities – ranging from finite element modelling and meteorology, through data science and database science, to applied electrical and mechanical engineering – and are skilled in applying these abilities in collaboration with one another to solve problems. We are also experienced in running long-lived facilities (both hardware and databases), measured in decades, and proactively extending these services into new areas as opportunities evolve.
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