Date: 18th - 19th September 2023
Location: Hamburg, Germany
In September, Detector Development team members Matt Hart and Matt Veale travelled to Germany to represent STFC at the XFEL Future Detectors Workshop.
The event brought together detector and instrumentation experts from across Europe to present the bleeding edge of detector development and inform XFEL's Future Detector Strategy.
Presentations included:
Matt V. also discussed his experience of the event:
"The work we presented at the workshop demonstrates the significant and sustained contributions STFC is making to this community. We are the only institute to have produced a camera system with a continuous 1MHz frame rate (HEXITEC-MHz) and tested CdZnTe sensors at Free Electron Lasers.
I think that attendees appreciated our openness to discuss the challenges faced both with the detector materials and the detector system development. In particular, Matt Hart's presentation of "lessons learnt" from the decade-plus of developing the Large Pixel Detector was well received and used in the closing statements of the workshop.
"We hope that our candour has positioned us as a valued, trusted partner, and we can play a significant role in the delivery of future detectors at XFEL."