STFC's Facilities and Laboratories Science Board visits Daresbury Laboratory
04 Jun 2024







Date: 4th June 2024

Location: Daresbury Laboratory

​In June, staff at Daresbury Laboratory received a visit from STFC's Facilities and Laboratories Science Board.

Members of Science Board visitng the DUNE factory along
with Professor Dave Newbold (middle) and Technology
Division Head​ Ian Lazarus (second from right).
This visit included a tour of the site's DUNE factory, where the main readout elements (anode plane assemblies) for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment in the United States are made.

The factory is run by STFC, working with seconded staff from the University of Liverpool and The University of Manchester.

It also uses some APA components supplied by other UK DUNE partners, including Lancaster University, The University of Sheffield, The University of ​Manchester, University of Sussex and the University of Cambridge.

Over the last nine months, the DUNE team has put significant effort into improving the factory's APA winders - improving both reliability and consistency and leading to a 22% improvement in manufacturing time.
