Papers: Read more about cutting-edge HEXITEC technology
25 Oct 2022



​​​​Over the last decade, HEXITEC (or High Energy X-ray Imaging Technology) has been developed by STFC’s Technology Department.



A HEXITEC detector module
The spectroscopic X-ray imaging detector delivers an exceptional level of energy resolution which, unlike single photon counting detector systems, records the precise energy deposited by an interaction to compile energy-resolved X-ray spectra on a per pixel basis. In addition to its use in synchrotrons, the cutting-edge detector technology has applications in medical imaging, security fields,​ and more. 

To find out more about HEXITEC's applications, read one of the teams' recent publications below:


Materials Today Energy: Correlative full field X​-ray compton scattering imaging and X-ray computed tomography for in situ observation of Li-ion batteries

Written in collaboration with the Research Complex at Harwell, Diamond Light Source, Ghent University, Gunma University, University College London, University of Oxford, Imperial College London, and the Faraday Institution.

The publication examines a novel way to image Lithium-ion batteries and understand how they charge and discharge.


Physics Magazine: In Situ Measurement of Electron Energy Evolution in a Laser-Plasma Accelerator

Written in collaboration with Deutsches Elekronen-Synchroton (DESY), the University of Hamburg, and Queen's University Belfast.

The publication reports on a novel, non-invasive method of measuring the evolution of the electron beam energy inside a laser-plasma accelerator with high spatial resolution.

To find out more about HEXITEC, contact​.​

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