Visit from Director of Fermilab Lia Merminga
02 May 2024







Date: 2 May 2024

Location: Daresbury Laboratory

Director of Fermilab Lia Merminga with staff from Daresbury 
Laboratory and the Cockcroft Institute​
In May​, we were delighted to take part in a visit from Lia Merminga, Director of Fermilab, to STFC's Daresbury Laboratory.

The visit, hosted by the Cockcroft Institute's Director, Stewart Boogert, included a trip to the lab's DUNE APA factory and SuRF Lab (the latter of which is a partnership between Technology and STFC ASTeC).

Radosav (our lead engineer on the project) gave Lia a tour of the factory and the APA production process.

The DUNE factory is a collaboration between the Daresbury Lab and the universities of Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield, Lancaster, Cambridge, and Sussex.

Read more about Lia's visit on The Cockcroft Institute's website.​
